Changes for 2024 in France

Rédigé le 04/01/2024
Jujue LV

In 2024, several significant changes will be introduced in various areas in France.


Pôle Emploi has been transformed into France Travail, with enhanced resources to support jobseekers and companies. The creation of a "Réseau pour l'emploi" brings together France Travail, the State, local authorities, local missions and Cap Emploi. The minimum wage has been raised by 1.13%, increasing it by 15 euros net per month. Gratification for internships has also been increased, reaching 4.35 euros per hour of effective presence. Women who have suffered a miscarriage are now entitled to sick leave without a waiting day.


The government has launched "Mon Leasing Électrique", a long-term electric car leasing offer at 100 euros per month, aimed at facilitating the ecological transition for modest households.  Compulsory sorting of bio-waste has become the norm, prohibiting the disposal of food waste with household refuse. The repair bonus has been strengthened, with the amount doubled for five everyday items of equipment: washing machines, dishwashers, tumble dryers, vacuum cleaners and televisions. In addition, the bonus has been extended to more than twenty additional products, with the inclusion of 24 new items of eligible equipment.

Traffic Safety

Drivers no longer lose points for speeding under 5 km/h, but are subject to fines ranging from 68 to 135 euros. The loss of one license point now applies to speeding between 5 km/h and 20 km/h. In addition, 17-year-olds can now take the practical driving test.



A new subsidy, MaPrimeAdapt', has been introduced to finance home adaptation work for the elderly and disabled. A bonus of 5,000 euros per home has also been introduced for landlords renting out their vacant properties in rural areas.


In 2024, France is stepping up its fight against domestic violence by setting up specialized units in each court. The aim of this initiative is to guarantee a coordinated and rapid judicial response, mobilizing all players to ensure the protection of victims within the family unit.


A turning point in social protection, with a 5.3% increase in retirement pensions under the general scheme. This measure, accompanied by a significant increase in monthly amounts, is designed to improve retirees' quality of life and guarantee greater financial security during retirement.


Cigarette prices have risen in line with inflation, affecting most packs. An increase of 40 to 50 centimes. This increase also applies to packs of rolling tobacco, cigars and heating tobacco.


The fuel voucher is evolving into a new form: the "worker fuel allowance", worth €100 per vehicle. Aimed at mitigating the effects of rising fuel costs, this aid is targeted at half of the French population of modest means who use their vehicles for work-related travel. Applications can be submitted via

Other changes :

Tobacconists are now authorized to sell shotgun ammunition.

Stamp prices have also been increased as of January 1, 2024.

Luncheon vouchers can still be used for food shopping until the end of 2024.

Les chèques-repas peuvent encore être utilisés pour les achats alimentaires jusqu'à la fin de l'année 2024.

These measures, ranging from the transformation of Pôle Emploi to the revaluation of retirement pensions, reflect the government's determination to address a range of social and environmental issues for a fairer, more sustainable society.